Empower women in the financial world

Are women really free? Yeah sure, women are not exploited in the same ways as earlier. But Women are far from the freedom that’s really required. In recent times, we have seen women fight for their rights and as a result have changed the world for the better. Women have challenged gender conforming biases and have risen above it.“Give a woman a dollar, and she can put it to good use. Teach her about how money really works, and she can change the world,” — Linda Davis Taylor. This Capitalist Male dominated world has conveyed in many ways that women lack Power. Finance and Freedom go hand-in-hand.
So what is Finance? The definition for finance is “The system of Creating, Circulating and Managing money.” Unfortunately, in the Financial Sector the Gap between the opposite gender is huge. The female population have begun creating their wealth but women are still dependent on the other half of the society for their finance. Women are seldom aware of the Financial Jargon that goes around. The gender gap is almost 30% in India and the neighbouring countries. Some of the reasons for such gender inequalities are Pay Disparity, Underrepresented in the workplace, barriers in Career progression etc. But time and time again research has proven that women are more than capable of handling their finances.
Many Researches also suggest women are better investors than men because
1. Women think Long terms The female species plan in decades and are cautious with the things they love. Women hold onto things they feel are worth preserving and hence also proving them to be more loyal.
2. Risk Aversion is part of their instinctWhen said that they are Risk averse it simply means that they take risks which are worth taking. Giving them an upper hand. These instincts come from child bearing and raising.
3. They make well informed decisionEven though they hold onto things longer than men, it is because of their well informed decision making style. They do not rush into decisions and do their thorough research before taking Risks on their long term planning goals.
4. Patient with their investmentsWomen are no doubt considered to be more patient than men. They take decision keeping in mind everything and are positive about their returns. This helps them to be more patient with their money and investments.
Men and Women are not equal. And this diversity is to be celebrated because when given the right push, women can do marvellous things. All of this combined makes women unstoppable at what they do. There are obvious inequalities still present in the workplace which restricts them from creating wealth but they can definitely work towards multiplying them by being financially literate. So Ladies, when do you plan on learning and investing to be free?
Women shouldn’t shy away from discussing finance. This is the only way to break the walls and set a level playing field. Let’s be unstoppable. We've all heard the saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.“ This is for all the ladies out there, come join FIKAA to empower women so they can learn, invest, connect, and grow together.

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